
Haruspicy and Sortilegy

Nathanael Homes (1599–1678) identifies two categories of diabolical divination, one more ancient, involving animal sacrifices, and another far too common today, involving the casting of lots, and both involving a like appeal to luck.

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Auspicy, Augury, and Alectryomancy

Nathanael Homes (1599–1678) explains a category of diabolical divination which has historically been associated with the interpretation of various animals, especially birds, in order to acquire special knowledge or direction, and lists several current instances.

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Nathanael Homes (1599–1678) summarizes the diabolical art of divination, regarding what it generally involves and how it relates to the Devil, and lists 8 primary categories in which it is used.

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Nathanael Homes (1599–1678) gives a comprehensive overview of witchcraft or divination, how it relates to the Devil and how it is practiced by those who are in league with him (whether explicitly or implicitly).

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An Appointment You Will Keep

Dr. Joel Beeke urges his readers to examine themselves in light of the fact that the Bible warns that most people will end up in hell, and then to seriously consider whether they are on the narrow road leading to eternal life, or the broad road to eternal destruction.

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