The Dark Knight (2008)
The dark knight is indeed a child of darkness, a master deceiver who lies, blasphemes, and defies the ordinance of God by taking the law into his own hands.
The dark knight is indeed a child of darkness, a master deceiver who lies, blasphemes, and defies the ordinance of God by taking the law into his own hands.
This movie is filled with profanity and takes God's holy name in vain at least 3 times. Batman lives a lie in order to take it upon himself, apart from any lawful appointment, to usurp authority and fight crime, which the Bible expressly forbids (Romans 12:19; 13:1-2).
This movie takes God's name in vain at least 7 times, violates the Second Commandment, is filled with immodesty, features necromancy, and uses some profanity.
This movie takes God's name in vain at least 3 times, has frequent immodesty and some profanity, and promotes or justifies deception, drunkenness, necromancy, and infidelity.
A movie full of blasphemy and immodesty that features a web-slinging superhero who disdains authority, shrouds himself in a web of lies, and champions hypocrisy and infidelity.
The false god of the Norse pantheon who has been glamorized into a superhero is back, and with greater resolve to lead his companions, and the audience, into grievous sin.
A Superman reboot that features the superhero donning the same immodest skin-tight costume, only this time without external underwear. This film takes God's holy name in vain at least 5 times, is filled with profanity, and blasphemously presents Superman as the savior and hope of mankind.
C.H. Spurgeon warns Christians to avoid unholy entertainment at all costs. He argues that many enjoyments are prepared for believers, but not those which savor sin and folly. Worldly pleasures have no charms for those who have truly tasted the high delights of fellowship with God.
A man who dons his underwear over an immodest skin-tight costume is blasphemously presented as earth's savior in a movie that takes God's holy name in vain at least 9 times and normalizes profanity, deceit, sexual immorality, and idolatry.
A list of resources relating to Doug Wilson, concerning especially his connection to Federal Vision.